Monday, December 22, 2008

My boys playing in the snow! We live on a wonderful sledding hill too. We had our first white Christmas, it was perfect!

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow days and time to ponder life...

We are in day #3 of "Snow days"! In the Pacific NW, that is pretty rare. In our family it is great fun because we're both educators and it means we all three get to stay home and play in the snow! We've had these insane cold temperatures, 20 and even lower which is also unusual! Right now we have about 5 inches of beautiful white snow and a high of 22 today. Brrrr....thus I am enjoying the fire and catching up on my favorite blogs. My Bug has some sort of kid crud and is stuffy and coughing so he is inside too.
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein
I found this quote on a blog I enjoy reading and it really summed up a lot of what I have been pondering lately. I have various friends and loved ones who have weathered some amazing storms this year, losing babies, sick children and spouses, health issues. I pray for them and with them, asking for God's healing touch. The results are good and bad and can only been seen through my human filter, left wondering why some prayers seem to be answered and others feel unheard. This quote helps me to remember that God is bigger than any of these needs and His timing and will are not always to be understood by me. Miracles cannot be custom ordered. Outcomes can only be viewed from our earthly perspective, God has the whole picture in His will. This is so convicting to me to be thankful in all things and wait upon the Lord as I overcome my impatience.
Miracles are a part of me. I was healed of cancer in my adolescence. I grew up to marry my amazing best friend and have a beautiful, healthy, perfect baby boy in spite of doctor's insistence that it couldn't happen. I am being healed of a heart condition that developed from that pregnancy or maybe the chemo in my younger years. The price of course is no more miracle babies, at least not biologically. Geez, who am I to ask for more at this point? What is the quota on miracles? God has been so good to me, faithful beyond compare. I am forever thankful when I sit here in the warmth of my home and look at my sweet hubby and Bug all cuddled at my side holding his kitty.
The epiphany I have come to and wanted to share is that God is answering our prayers every single day. All of these needs we bring to Him matter. We just have to learn to look beyond our own earthly limitations and strive to see the bigger picture. As this year wraps up I have seen miracles performed all around me, babies saved and healed...Mamas rejoicing. On the other hand, I have seen my uncle pass suddenly leaving his soulmate alone for the holidays, a son taken unexpectedly from my best friend last January. My siblings losing sight of their faith, getting mired in the world. The election...Lord help me to see You in these situations, help me to pray without ceasing knowing Your ways are bigger and better. Help me to be faithful to intercede and lift these every day.
Back to the snow and my wonderful little favorite miracle!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Rebel For a Cause!

If you haven't heard about "McMama", you have to go check her out! There is also a great raffle opportunity for a sweet camera package and it benefits 3 great causes. Please check it out! Press the camera button on your right and take a minute to read about the raffle and about the amazing things God has done in the life of a precious new baby boy and his family.