Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

Our cute 9 month old!

I know, I have missed a few months. I plan to catch up this summer, but I have been keeping notes, stats and lots of pictures. Really hard to blog regularly working full time with two kiddos! Need to start blogging from the old iPhone I guess. :)

JP is growing in leaps and bounds and he is almost ready to start leaping and bounding! He is 22 lbs and 5 oz which is the 75%ile, he is 30 in tall which is the 90%ile. Nice when the height stays ahead of the weight for big boys. At least he has legs! JP has 6 teeth! 4 on top and 2 on bottom. He got the bottom ones first, then the lateral incisors on top came in and he looked a bit vampire like. The front teeth were quick to follow and it is all evened out.

JP has been crawling confidently for almost 3 weeks now and is more and more active and mobile every day. He is pulling up with a growl or a whine for help at times. Just the past few days he's started cruising from table to couch and back. He likes to stand on his own and balance and then he giggles when he falls down.

The boy is a joy at every stage, he remains the same calm and sweet baby he has always been. Hardly a peep during teething, he takes it all in stride.

Is he eating?! Oh yeah, anything and everything we feed him! Being the second child, we're a little more relaxed and he is often eating with us at dinner and enjoying all the new flavors and textures. I am making food like I did with Bug. We want our boys to have flexible palats and to enjoy many flavors and always be willing to try new things. So far, so good because Bug is a great eater. Hoping they are both that way! Of course we may not be able to go out to eat since our kids just can't order off a kids menu because they can't eat that junk! Bug is 6 and tosses it aside with disdain when we go out...can't help but be proud! :)

Me, I am surviving and working toward remembering to enjoy the journey! I don't know how families with more kids do it. Two is enough for me and I am still growing into feeling confident about them! I need to worry less and let God handle things more. Same things I am always striving for...

Bug is a 1st grader at my school and that has been an interesting journey. We knew it would be an adjustment with lower expectations and standards in public schools. Neither of us quite realized how low the standard had become. He loves school, loves his teacher and learns something once in a while. We're homeschooling and providing our own enrichment for now. He's a good kid and none too worse for wear so far. Next year he will be in an enrichment class for nurturing potential, I think it will be a much better match! Thankful he is close to mom and has a teacher who loves the Lord and loves him too. That will work for now. The rest can happen at home.

Back to piles of papers to grade and boys who need some reading time with momma! I'll try to check in more often! JB