Sunday, May 17, 2009


"God has his own schedule, and we need to follow it. When you find yourself in a hurry to get your own way, ask God to forgive you. Ask him for patience to wait on him. God's timing is always perfect and brings the greatest blessing."

May 28
I found this quote on Memorial Day weekend after more than a few frustrating conversations about our adoption process. I am still learning to let go and let God! Tuesday afternoon, on May 27th I got a call from Adoption Ministry. It was J sounding a bit urgent. I called her back as soon as I dismissed my class. She told me she had a baby boy who was born on the weekend and she wanted to talk with me about him. He was relinquished at the hospital by his birth mom and he needed as adoption plan by noon the next day to avoid being released to DSHS. Breathless I asked questions that came to mind and then told her CB was on jury duty and I couldn't call him until 4:30! It was 2:30 when we talked. This left me with two hours to kill and try to maintain some sanity...not easy! I had a wonderful friend pick up Bug at school, she cried with me and promised to pray for us. I called both our parents and they were ecstatic! Finally at 4:30 sitting on the side of the road in Sumner CB finally called me back. By this time I had dialed him at least 10 times and sent two somewhat cryptic texts. His simple reply was , "let's go get him"! :) That is my hubby, he's the rock and calm and cool one. He came to meet me and we got to tell Bug at our best friend's house. We told him we thought that God had found a baby for our family. He was very matter of fact, thrilled to hear it was a little brother!

From there we went to dinner and Babies R us, discussing baby names all the way! Of course that was all terribly overwhelming and we got two outfits and a mattress and sheet for our old cradle. The rest would come in time.

We looked over our name list and continued to debate. I began looking up the meanings of the names and we found that Jonathon means "Gift from God". It all seemed so simple to Bug because that is just what this baby is for our family! It also keeps the syllables the same for all of us. He is Jonathon Phillip after my dear Uncle who passed away this past winter as well as my grampy that died when I was 5.

Wednesday morning we dropped Bug at school and met our lawyer to go over the paperwork. By 10:30 we were at the hospital meeting our son. He was almost 3 days old and had been sent to the level 2 nursery since he had no none to care for him. He was the biggest and healthiest baby there! He got a lot of love from his nurses that seemed very happy to see us. Irina remarked to us that this baby who had no one suddenly had everyone. Eager grandparents from both sides had made the trek to meet the newest addition!

As the mom to a newborn who has adjusted a little each day, I must close this for now to get my boys to bed! Gods timing is perfect and His blessing amazes us each day. Our family is complete, but the adventure is just begun! Thanks for all the love and prayers!

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